Our desire is for the Festival of the Commons to be a celebratory meeting point for cooperative ventures, for ventures which produce and defend common goods, as well as a forum for the development of productive collaborations focusing on the commons and the social and solidarity economy. In particular, we want the Festival of the Commons to work as a springboard for the launch of all kinds of ideas on political/productive collaborations and for the formation of working groups which will make them a reality.
Festival of the Commons will take place on **6-7-8 October 2017**, at the Athens School of Fine Arts. The Festival of the Commons unites the efforts of the Festival for Solidarity and Cooperative Economy and the CommonsFest.
**Location:** Ανώτατη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών
**Website:** commons.gr
The website mentions a wiki and pads plus a mailing list
as communication and organisational media. Facebook has been suggested to publish events for the public.