TransforMap is a collective of voluntary cartographers which aim at visualising the alternative economies. The group is building an ecosystem of Transformaps initiatives and Intermapping processes by commoning its in- and outputs to the Public Domain. The community can be reached at .
Q . What are transformaps ?
For the most of it, transformaps are a puzzle of moving conceptual pieces right now. These align around interests for commoning of redecentralisation and convivial care. They emerged from the #14mmm community, when a single TransforMap approach seemed unnecessarily centralising its purpose. More concretely, they are an atlas of maps showing the diversity of economic forms , but also a collection of voluntary mapping software
Q . What is intermapping , what does it involve?
To be concluded from the Intermapping report .
Crowdmapping has become a regular tool for self-awareness of localised communities. Plenty of them dedicate voluntary effort to showcasing a commonised public domain and the regional social and solidarity economy. In combining their (geo)data to a greater whole, similarities and distinctions between contemporary political ecologies become debateable on a large scale. Intermapping is the process of forging these connections inbetween existing mapping initiatives and sustaining their long-term interoperability.
via Festival of the Commons 2017 venture proposal