The Alliance of Commons has the following objectives:
- Claiming as “commons” (not just as public property) all specific commons-related small and large-scale infrastructures. - The study and evaluation of the commons, the systematization and dissemination of the knowledge they produce and, finally, the implementation and dissemination of best practices in existing and new initiatives around the commons. - Networking and co-ordination of people and initiatives involved in the commons and the establishment of social structures that will effectively claim the application of such a model in every space. - Cooperation for the creation of common resources, technical and economic infrastructures of support for the commons. - The reinforcement of existing initiatives around the commons and the ongoing effort to produce new ones through collaborations and partnerships with all stakeholders. - To cooperate with any available political, economic, scientific or activist initiative to set up a production-consumption-governance model applicable on a national or supranational scale. - The production of discourse and policy for the acknowledgement of the social value of the commons and the dissemination of commons-based practices in society. - The defense and widening of the commons of the country. - The coordination of social actions aiming at creating the right conditions for the commons to thrive as well as the practices and values produced around them. - To develop the commons as a comprehensive sustainable political, economic and social proposal with the ultimate goal of a society that is oriented towards the commons. - The creation and widening of material conditions and processes for social empowerment and integrated human freedom.