We enquire for the Federated Foundations of Computational Commons, in which we try to establish a socio-ecological and infrastructural narrative around the subject of long-term preservation of collective digital artefacts.
TransforMap — Since mapping all alternatives of the socio-ecologic transformation is situated right inbetween the movements, it is deemed an entry point for antidotes to scarcity-based, profit-oriented economies. We report on four years of discourse and development and extensively share skills here.
Intermapping — Indeed bringing together independent data communities and guarding them against enclosure by increasing their public reach through data sharing is the strategy to connect the scattered mappers. Yet every individual approach still has to happen, not just as an ideal. The aggregate of each of these events in spacetime shall then tell us about distribution, density and hot spots of *buen vivir*.
Transformaps — Unaware of the inner conflicts of a single mapping effort to visually represent the alternatives, an unintentional, global, polycentric community persists which is just based on the sole purpose of being engaged in voluntary mapping platforms. The producers and providers of participative maps most often have no intrinsic motivation to design for interoperability. Let us explore and document ways to highlight interconnection points.
Computational Commons
allmende.io — Considering online conversation as a commons, and further assuming the existence of a right to be heard also for quiet voices, renders the infrastructure for everyday telecommunication a commons, too. If we bring this together with tools
for development communities, an environment is conceived in which free and libre media are being curated and used. We present the idea of a computational commons and ask for its implications for the aware use and maintenance of the movements’ infrastructures.
librehosters — When multiple computational commons join a federation, they turn into a migration network: data moves freely and unhindered between participating nodes. The independent practices of data privacy oriented, collective Internet Service Providers sustain the ideal of an open network without censorship. Operating at varying degrees of spatial scale, these groups provide digital shelter for civic web publishers across the globe.
Solidarity Economy and Care for Commons